I Can Only Love You in the Dark

A multimedia, multi-sensory experience created in response to COVID-19 out of a desire to learn how to create more accessible and inclusive forms of theater.


Explored the relationship between technology and intimacy by creating a multi-sensory experience that would be accessible for users with visual disabilities and users affected by the pandemic.


  • Conducted research and interviews on art-making/theatre practices for neurodivergent people, and people with motor, sensory and neurological disabilities, using the phenomenon of synesthesia to see how to combine inclusive design with art and music making practices.

  • I Interviewed and researched artists with synesthesia who make visual music for inspiration for cross-sensory work.

  • Conducted research on history of music in bathhouses to determine what types of music to compose.

  • On my own and in collaboration with Tom Lawton, jazz composition professor at the University of the Arts, I composed original music for solo vocals, inspired by Bobby McFerrin and Björk’s Medulla.


The original form of the project was to be two live, in-person pieces; a version of the play primarily designed for blind and low-vision audiences, and a version designed for deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences. Due to COVID, I quickly switched to a radio play/podcast format for accessibility purposes.


A 20-minute piece that can be listened to at any time in the comfort of a user’s current living space, with instructions for how to engage with the piece. In future iterations, I hope to push more into the use of eXtended Reality (XR).


This piece will run around 20 minutes. To prepare, I would like for you to take some time before the event and find a room that you can make nice and steamy. It could be using your humidifier in your bedroom or turning your shower on in your bathroom. Whatever is most accessible and comfortable for you.

Make sure you have water, any scents you would like to have in your space, any desserts you would like to have, and some oils or lotion. Throughout the piece, feel free to eat, smell, or use your lotions at any time in order to make yourself feel good.

It is recommended that you turn your lights off during this time, to prepare to be immersed in this experience.

I want to give you a prompt to reflect on as you get ready to relax and unwind: Think about the last time you were ever attracted to someone. Think about every sensation you felt in your body. Think about the fantasies you may have had about that person. Think about what it would mean to connect with that person, but you would not be able to physically see them, you could only feel them. You could only love them in the dark.


Will You Grieve Me? - 2021